How EPS Houses’ Lease Option to Buy Makes Homeownership Easier
How EPS Houses’ Lease Option to Buy Makes Homeownership Easier cebanks May 12, 2023

How EPS Houses’ Lease Option to Buy Makes Homeownership Easier

lease option to buy


At EPS Houses, we understand prospective homeowners’ challenges when purchasing a house. That’s why we proudly offer a unique solution that makes homeownership more accessible and achievable. Our lease option-to-buy program, provided by EPS Houses, provides a flexible and convenient pathway to owning your dream home. Today we explore how the lease option to buy from EPS Houses can make buying a house more accessible, empowering individuals and families to achieve their homeownership goals.

The Benefits of a Lease Option to Buy

A lease option to buy, also known as rent-to-own, presents numerous advantages for potential homebuyers. This innovative approach combines renting and buying elements, allowing individuals to lease a property for a predetermined period with the option to purchase it at the end of the lease term. Here’s how EPS Houses’ lease option to buy can make the home-buying journey easier:

  1. Flexibility in Building Equity

With a lease option to buy, renters have the advantage of building equity in the property while leasing. A portion of the monthly lease payments can be credited toward the future down payment, allowing individuals to accumulate equity over time gradually. This gradual equity buildup is particularly beneficial for those who may not have sufficient funds for a traditional down payment upfront but are committed to homeownership in the long run.

  1. Time to Improve Creditworthiness

One of the challenges that potential homebuyers often face is obtaining a favorable mortgage due to credit limitations. EPS Houses’ lease option to buy allows renters to work on improving their creditworthiness during the lease period. Individuals can enhance their credit scores by making timely lease payments and actively addressing any credit issues, increasing their chances of qualifying for a mortgage when it’s time to exercise the purchase option.

  1. Test-Drive the Property

Leasing a property through a lease option to buy allows renters to thoroughly assess the property and its suitability for their needs. It will enable individuals to experience living in the house before committing to the purchase, ensuring it meets or exceeds their expectations and aligns with their lifestyle. This “test-drive” period eliminates the risk of buyer’s remorse and offers peace of mind, as renters can confidently move forward with the purchase if they are satisfied with the property.

  1. Locking in Purchase Price

In a volatile real estate market, it can be challenging to predict future property values. However, with EPS Houses’ lease option to buy, renters can secure a purchase price upfront; if property values rise during the lease term, renters can benefit from purchasing the property at the agreed-upon price, potentially resulting in significant savings. This feature provides stability and protection against escalating housing prices, allowing individuals to plan their finances accordingly.

  1. Access to a Range of Properties

EPS Houses offer a diverse portfolio of properties through the lease option to buy the program. This extensive selection ensures that renters have a variety of options to choose from, catering to their specific preferences and needs. Whether it’s a single-family home, a townhouse, or a condominium, EPS Houses strives to provide a wide range of properties to accommodate different budgets and lifestyles.


EPS Houses’ lease option to buy program revolutionizes the home buying process, making it easier and more accessible for individuals and families to achieve their dreams of homeownership. With the flexibility to build equity, improve creditworthiness, test-drive properties, lock in purchase prices, and access a range of properties, renters can confidently embark on their journey toward owning a home. At EPS Houses, we are committed to helping our clients navigate the path to homeownership with ease. Contact us today to discuss your options. Bad Credit is OK!